Book List

# Book Name Category Author Publisher Avaliable Edition
17851 Responsible Government in the Dominions Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Arthur Beiser Oxford 1 Nil
17852 The Law, Privileges, Proceedings & Usage of Parliament Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Sir Thom As Krskine Nil 1 Nil
17853 Cibil Dractice or the Law of Civil Procedure in India & Pakistan Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) S.C Sarakar S.C Sarakar 1 Nil
17854 Logical Government in Ancient India Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Radhakumud At the Clarendon Press 1 Nil
17855 Britain's Fighting Forces Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Captain Ellison Hawks The Home Library Club 1 Nil
17856 Government & Parties in Continental Europe Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) A. Lawarence Lowell Habyard 1 Nil
17857 To the Students Vol-1 Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Mahatma Gandhi Anand 1 Nil
17858 The Imperial Gazetteer of India Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) W W. Hunter Csl Nil 1 Nil
17859 Madras Presidency Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Nil Nil 1 Nil
17860 The Imperial Giazetteer of India Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) W W. Hunter Nil 1 Nil