Book List

# Book Name Category Author Publisher Avaliable Edition
17971 Report of the Mysore Tenancy Agricultural Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Nil Nil 1 Nil
17972 Singhbhum, Seraikella Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Kharswan Nil 1 Nil
17973 Report Indian Central Committee Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Nil Nil 1 Nil
17974 Report of the Federal Finance Committee Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Nil Nil 1 Nil
17975 The Financial Obligations Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Great Britain Nil 1 Nil
17976 The Congress Select Committee Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Nil Nil 1 Nil
17977 Sind Conference Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Nil Nil 1 Nil
17978 Report of the Sind Financial Enquiry Committee Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Nil Nil 1 Nil
17979 Bengal Tenancy Act Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Supplement Nil 1 Nil
17980 Indian Franchise Committee Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Nil Nil 1 Nil