Book List

# Book Name Category Author Publisher Avaliable Edition
18011 The Orissa & Bihar Money Lenders Acts Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) M.V Narasinha Nil 1 1
18012 Report of the Lannd Revenue & Land Tenure Committee Orissa Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Sri Rama Chandra Mardaraj Deo Nil 1 Nil
18013 Orissa Legialtive Assembly Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Raja Bahadur Nil 1 Nil
18014 The Reference Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Nil Nil 1 Nil
18015 Madras Act No1 Of 1925 Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Govt. Madras Govt. Madras 1 Nil
18016 Great War Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Righf Hon. Winston Nil 1 Nil
18017 The Madras Local Boards Act Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Govt. of India Nil 1 Nil
18018 The Madras Local Boards, 1920 Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Govt. Madras Nil 1 Nil
18019 Orissa Acts & Regulations 1948 Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Govt. of Orissa Nil 1 Nil
18020 Import Trade Control Policy Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Govt of India Nil 1 Nil