Book List

# Book Name Category Author Publisher Avaliable Edition
17891 The Constitution of India Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Law Book Co Allahabad 1 1950
17892 Proceedings of the Legist, Ative Council Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Govt. Madras Govt. Madras 1 Nil
17893 Indian States Enquiry Committee (Financial) Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Nil Nil 1 Nil
17894 Road Map of India Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) South India Nil 1 Nil
17895 Civil List Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Govt. of Orissa Nil 1 Nil
17896 Orissa Acts & Regulation Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Govt. of Orissa Nil 1 1947
17897 The Relief of Debtors Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Nil Nil 1 Nil
17898 Women of Allnations Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Nil Nil 1 1
17899 Madras District Municipalities Act Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Govt. Madras Nil 1 1920
17900 Madras Legislative, Council Manual Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Govt. Madras Nil 1 1924