Book List

# Book Name Category Author Publisher Avaliable Edition
17911 Post-War Reconstruction & Development Schems Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Govt. of Orissa Govt Of Orissa 1 Nil
17912 Madras Legislative Assembly Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Govt. Madras Nil 1 Nil
17913 Second Five Year Plan Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Summary Nil 1 Nil
17914 Whither Minorities Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Nil Nil 1 Nil
17915 Hindustan Times Contempt Case Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Hindustan Hindustan Publishing 1 Nil
17916 Rambha House Library Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Nil Nil 1 Nil
17917 The Mantle of Ishmael Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Nil Nil 1 Nil
17918 Into Battle Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) Righf Hon. Winston Nil 1 Nil
17919 The Constitution of India Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) K. Santhanam Hindustan Publishing 1 Nil
17920 Highroads of Literature Donated by Rani Saheba (Reference) The Roral Thomas 1 Nil